A  I  A

American International Academy
Licensed in USA
Since 2009

Professional Courses

Through the program of training and continuing education established by the Academyat the end of 2010, in partnership with the Universal Studies Academy in Palestine, American International Academy and Hudex offer unique, sophisticated and advanced training programs. These programs are prepared by skilled and professional trainers. We offer these programs with very competitive fees. Our training programs are varied, we have chosen them distinct, rare and fill the needs of the society, 


1- The Academy can make any amendments to the administrative or academic method as well as the tuition fees at any time as the benefit of the Academy requires, any amendment will be announced on this website.

2- All study materials provided and required research or reports are in Arabic language.

for more information
please send us an email.
To join a program, please download the application.

International Diploma in Diplomatic Studies

Duration: 9 months, by distance learning.
Method of Study: Books summary + self-tests 
Degree of Success: %75

This program has been developed to meet the needs and requirements of contemporary diplomacy and to build and develop information, skills and capabilities of the workforce in diplomatic work and international relations in foreign ministries and other government agencies related to diplomatic work, to perform the tasks assigned to them with efficiency and distinction in accordance with the requirements of modern diplomacy. The program also targets all those who wish to work in above areas.

Study Method:
The Summary and Abstracting Method is applied on this course. Studying according to this method requires that the learner (by distance education system) to nominate and provide books which content is consistent with the specific description of each subject and submit his nomination for approval. Books can be obtained from a local university in the student's country, or by borrowing them from public libraries, or from the Internet, or by purchasing them from private libraries if he likes to keep them. The student studies the book extensively, then prepares a summary and an abstract of it and puts a test for that subject with model answers and submits it to the Academy. In case the abstract and test meet the conditions and quality standards, the student is considered a metaphor in that subject and his degree is monitored, and the subject is evaluated and his degree is monitored according to the quality of the summary and the test and according to specific criteria that are explained to the student during the study, but the student can be asked to revise or amend it until it meets the success criteria, or the student may have to undergo a comprehensive final paid exam in all courses or in one or more modules if the academic mentor decides that if a weak job is repeated.

After we recieve the registration form, required documents and tuition fees, the Academy issues the acceptance papers with a description of the courses or modules and sends them to the student by e-mail. It will also allocate a personal academic guide to supervise the student’s study, provides him with assistance, instructions and information he needs until graduation.

Registration is open throughout the year.

Modules of Study:

1. Diplomacy: Concept and History

2. Modern Diplomacy: Diplomatic Representation

3. Modern Diplomacy: Consular Representation

4. The Rules of Protocol and Courtesy and Etiquette

5. Language and Diplomatic Correspondence

6. Diplomacy and International Relations

7. The Art of Negotiation

8. Introduction of International Economic Relations

9. Contemporary International Political Issues

10. Arab International Relations

11. The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Historical Overview

12. The International Conventions of Diplomacy

Master in Diplomatic Studies:

Obtaining a diploma in diplomatic studies will qualifie its holder to apply for a master’s degree program in diplomatic studies (if he holds a bachelor’s degree). The diploma will be equated as a higher diploma, which qualifies the applicant to start directly in the stage of preparing the master's thesis.

Required for Registration:

1. The CV, indicating scientific experiences.
2. Copy of academic certificates and transcripts.
3. Copy of the ID or Passport.
4. A personal photo.
5. The application form.
6. Tuition fee.

Please send all documents by e-mail.

Graduation Documents:

1. Diploma certificate issued by the American International Academy/Hudex.
2. Authenticated certificate from the US State Department.
3. Transcript in English.
4. A certified diplomat ID card.

Certified diplomat ID card
Certified Marketing Professional

Certified Marketing Professional

Duration: 5 months, by distance learning.
Method of Study: Book summary + self-test + research + preparation of an integrated marketing plan.
Degree of Success: %80

This program was developed to help workers in the field of marketing or those wishing to work in this interesting business, help them to provide the necessary skills and knowledge that raise their marketing skills and capabilities and qualify them to manage marketing teams in any public or private institution, crowning their knowledge with a rare and accredited international certificate, adopting their experiences and achieving their aspirations.


1. Marketing management (book summary + self-testing)

2. Research. 

3. Develop an integrated marketing plan.

Required for Registration:

1. The CV, indicating scientific experiences. 
2. Copy of the ID or Passport.
3. A personal photo.
4. The application form.
5. Tuition fee. 

Please send all documents by e-mail

 Graduation Documents: 

1. Course certificate issued by the American International Academy/HUDEX in English. 
2. Transcript in English. 

Arts and Skills of Sales

Duration: 2 weeks, by distance learning.
Method of Study: Training book and other training materials.
Degree of Success: %80

How to master the work in sales and how to gain a new customer and ensure his loyalty, how to excel over your colleagues in the work and your competitors, and how to ensure the achievement of the highest percentage of sales that were not reached before .. inherited skills and talent alone are not enough to top the list, but work to gain new skills and experiences One of the most important reasons for success and distinction .. In this course, we provide you with a summary of the practical experiences of specialists and professionals in the business of sales. Gain their expertise and knowledge and rise to the top. Each participant gets the full copy of the training book in PDF by email.

Course topics:

1. The personality  and appearance of the successful seller.

2. How to deal with the customer.

3. Successful  Sales Policies.

4. Negotiation in sales.

5. The art of closing trades and completing the sale.

6. Remote sales skills.

7. E-marketing.

Required for Registration:

1. The CV, indicating scientific experiences.
2. Copy of the ID or Passport.
3. A personal photo.
4. The application form.
5. Tuition fee.

Please send all documents by e-mail.  

Graduation Documents:  

Course certificate issued by the American International Academy/HUDEX in English.

Certified Reporter

Certified Reporter

Duration: 6 months, by distance learning.
Method of Study: Research, reports and book study+test.
Degree of Success: %80

Wherelse you get such a training and a certificate with such features? At the American International Academy, we provide this unique program to enable all aspiring journalists to realize their ambitions and provide them with the knowledge and training necessary to develop their abilities and skills in this field. Each participant gets the study materials by email.

Course topics:

1. Reporter (Research) .

2. In front of the camera (Research) .

3. Tv interviews (Research) .

4. The development of media in light of the development of communications (Research) .

5. Today's Journalists (Research) .

6. Media and public opinion (Research) .

7. Writing skills (Book study and test) .

8. Writing press reports (Report) .

9. Preparing a radio report (Report) .

10. Prepare a TV report (Report).

Required for Registration:

1. The CV, indicating scientific experiences.
2. Copy of the ID or Passport. 
3. A personal photo. 
4. The application form. 
5. Tuition fee.  

Please send all documents by e-mail.  

Graduation Documents:

1. Course certificate issued by the American International Academy/HUDEX in English.
2. Transcript in English.
3. A certified reporter ID card.

Certified diplomat ID card

International Diploma in Professional Training

Duration: 1 month, by distance learning.
Method of Study: Training book and materials and on-line exam.
Degree of Success: %75

This Diploma is available in Arabic language only. The program grants international certifications to coaches who are pursuing a career in-professional training; human resources development managers; training officials; those who are in the field of education and all those who wish to enter into this field professionally. It aims to prepare a successful trainer who has the ability to manage the entire training process and the development of training packages with high efficiency and professionalism. Each participant gets training materials and the full copy of the training book in PDF by email. 

Course modules: 

1- The basics of the training work.

2- Qualities and personality of a successful coach.

3- Training strategies, preparation and evaluation of training packages.

4- Communication skills, and effective presentations.

5- Skills of dealing with the trainees.

6- Professionalism and promotion.

Required for Registration: 

1. The CV, indicating scientific experiences.
2. Copy of the ID or Passport.
3. A personal photo (optional).
4. The application form.
5. Tuition fee.

Please send all documents by e-mail.  

Graduation Documents:

1. Diploma certificate issued by the AIA/HUDEX in English.
2. 1 Year free membership in Hudex as a certified trainer.
3. Hudex membership card.
4. Additional diploma certificate from the the Board of International Trainers in America (BITA) for $ 75 (optional).

Hudex membership card

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